Thursday, October 16, 2008

The fun begins...

My mom was great, she had most of supper ready last night. She sent home some meat w/ gravy in a dish to put in the oven. Then I made some mashed potatoes and peas to go with it. I feed all of them, cleaned the kitchen, threw in a load of clothes in the washer, straightened my room, gave kids baths, put Tristan & Gracie to bed, then snuck off to next door with Christian, Bryce, and Corie. Of course, Jody stayed with Tristan and Gracie if anyone was curious.

Anyway, nothing real fun and exciting happened last night. I think everyone slept pretty good. Corie has a cold, but she is taking some meds for it. This morning was real fun though, I got half way ready at their house and was going to my house to get the rest of me ready. Bryce and I head out the front door and I got stuck in the mud. Yes, I was stuck! I had flip flops on that were sucked in by the mud. I tried pulling out my foot, then my flip flop stayed. I was so mad my favorite and only black flip flops are ruined. So needless to say, Carrol & Mica, I am sorry but you have bare feet prints in your new muddy driveway. I walked barefoot home, which hurt, my feet are tender. Anyway, I am cleaned up & good to go. Kids are in school, Tristan is at sitters, and I am at work. So all is well!

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